
AIESEC in AUT (Feb 2017 - Aug 2017)

Portfolio Page


AIESEC in AUT is an AIESEC branch in Amirkabir University of Technology, a local commitee, they help people find opportunities and apply for them. They also define new projects for in coming people from other countries to participate in.

A local commitee usually has five general structures: OutGoing Exchange (OGX), InComing Exchange (ICX), Marketing (MKT), Finance and Business Developement (F & BD) and Talent Management (TM)

My Job

I was a marketing OGX memebr, OGX simply means OutGoing Exchange, my job was to come up with new ideas to promote projects and analyse the people who got involved to make further decisions easier for LC's general policy about marketing. Alternatively I prepared graphical material for presentations and brochures, too.

Eventually I left AIESEC in AUT to be a leader for IT team in UT but I believe AUT will always be the best LC I've been a part of :')